Please remember us in your will and trusts:
Full Name: Pregnancy Help Centre of Durham BN#896740768RR0001
Please remember us in your will and trusts:
Full Name: Pregnancy Help Centre of Durham BN#896740768RR0001
One of the most important ways you can support us is through prayer. If you would like to pray for us, please click on the link on the main navigation to request our confidential, bi-weekly prayer list directly. The most recent prayer letter is available below.
We are a Christian charity, financially supported by concerned individuals, businesses and churches who want to help us keep the doors open. Through supporters, donors and fundraisers, we are able to keep on helping in Durham Region.
Please prayerfully consider supporting this work financially on a regular basis. For more information on financial support options please contact us, take a look at our annual fundraiser events, or click on Donate to provide immediate financial assistance through
There are minimally two types of volunteer opportunities available at the Centre:On-site—volunteering for a shift on a Mon., Wed., Thurs., or Fri. in your community. Our volunteers are trained to work with our clients and families. The volunteers provide support for our families and clients, distribute supplies free of charge to our clients, organize the donations as they come in, assemble the gift layettes for the newborns of our clients.
Board members are trained prior to participating as well. They provide oversight to the ministry and meet once monthly and commit to securing sponsorship of a table at our annual dinner event.Both types of volunteering require application (click here), police check and completion of training prior to involvement. For your police check for on-site volunteering, you may require a volunteer duties letter. You can call in to request that - It has to be personalized.
There is staff supervision available on-site.
If you would like to participate in the next training, we will need your application at least ONE WEEK prior to training to proceed. This information MUST be submitted beforehand. For more info, call Maria at 905-720-3252 or Aileen (905-619-9878) for more information or contact us by email.
Here are some pictures from the Friends of the PHC Dinner if you're wondering what the dinner is like.
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